Automotive 3D Scanning Services
We understand that the improvement of product quality and component design, shortening of development times and cost reduction can be easily achieved through the capture and use of highly detailed and accurate 3D data.
Our range of handheld 3D scanners and 3D scanning services are a flexible and easy-to-use measurement solution, ideal for the automotive industry.
Lightweight with a simple single cable connection to a standard laptop enables use in confined spaces (such as inside a car) or on a moving production line and the data capture rate is the highest in the market for these type of 3D scanners.

With the portable range capable of capturing highly detailed data for the automotive industry – up to an accuracy of 0.02mm – they are an ideal solution for internal quality testing as deviations in critical dimensions can be identified quickly. A 3D image of the object is displayed real time as the scanning takes place, with an audible signal ensuring the operator remains at the optimum depth of field and distance.

The output from the complete of systems makes the process flexible and efficient. Scanned data can be imported into all standard CAD software applications for reverse engineering activities and improvements to product design or cant be imported directly into complex inspection software for more complete analysis against nominal drawings.

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