About T3DMC
What makes T3DMC a UK leading provider of 3D Engineering Service?
Our dedicated team of engineers thrive on delivering solutions to some of the UK’s leading manufacturers.
Why T3DMC?
With over 30 years combined experience The 3D Measurement Company are a UK leading supplier of 3D engineering solutions. ISO9001 certified by Interface NRM, a UKAS accredited certification body, we specialise in 3D measurement, quality & inspection, reverse engineering and 3D measurement system solutions.

Our mission
Our goal is to give customers a single source trusted solution that they can rely on to help solve their manufacturing challenges. Combining market leading non-contact measurement equipment with experience and industry knowledge, we are able to give confidence to our customers through a consultative approach both for our services and for our system sales.

What we offer to our customers
The 3D Measurement Company offers our customers dedicated product and service divisions, spending time to understand a projects needs to develop a solution which is the right fit for the customer.
Our product team have extensive application experience and will help to navigate the decision making process of which 3D measurement system is suitable to your companies current and long terms needs.