The SIMSCAN 3D scanner provides a range of versatility for projects. 3D scanning isn’t just for extraordinary projects, it can also be used for projects concerning everyday objects and products too.
Scantech have put this to the test by using the SIMSCAN handheld 3D scanner to improve the design of electric tools.
The 3D Scanning Project
The manufacturer of the handheld tools in this particular project has a large catalogue of products which feature plastic shells that come in a variety of shapes and finishes. The plastic shells are irregular in shape with minute details – often with deep holes – meaning that traditional measurement methods would not be appropriate for this project. Scantech used the portable 3D scanner, SIMSCAN, to capture the complex data of the shells with high levels of accuracy.
The Benefits of the SIMSCAN 3D Scanner
With the shortened camera distance on the SIMSCAN compared with traditional 3D scanners, Scantech were able to capture accurate 3D data of intricate details such as narrow areas and grooves.
SIMCAN’s Efficiency
SIMSCAN has a non contact measurement rate of up to 2.02 million mps, meaning on average it was able to scan a complete part in this project in 10 minutes.
A Lightweight Handheld 3D Scanner
With a net weight of just 570g, the SIMSCAN 3D scanner allows users freedom and flexibility to carry out 3D measurements anywhere. Being so lightweight, users can scan using just one hand.
The 3D Scanning Solution
This highly accurate data was captured in three stages. Firstly, Scantech captured the ‘general’ geometry of the shell using SIMCAN’s ultra-fast scanning mode. A scan to capture the details of the shell then followed, using the ultra-fine scanning mode. The technicians then finalised the scan by capturing the data of the inside of the cylinder shell using the SIMSCAN’s deep hole scanning mode.
Capturing the 3D data of the various plastic shells was used by engineers to analyse the products and further optimise their design. The data captured by Scantech also allows engineers to troubleshoot mould flow, allowing them to have a virtual preview of the stability of the material and shrinkage rate, which can help the engineers to improve the design of the shells.
SIMSCAN is a lightweight handheld 3D scanner which can support a variety of projects, big or small.
Learn about how SIMSCAN can help you capture accurate data quickly and efficiently or talk to one of our experts today.
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